GPL | Twitch Chat Reacts To The First Match

With the start of the Global Poker League season today, with the first Eurasia 6-Max match, featuring some of the world’s top players including Dzmitry Urbanovich, Davidi Kitai and Daniel ‘jungleman’ Cates. Broadcast live on Twitch, there was some mixed reviews …


Off to a rocky start

KiKaMo: hoping this gets off to a great start, poker really needs a jump start

Peuserik: buffering all the time and then this stupid music + The not working Microphone.. whts up with this production

Sorcerer: It’s a learning process and work in progress. If we can improve with every stream, we will get there in the end.

Pwntcha: this is not good for poker

What’s going on?

lullinkutkuttaja: what exactly are they playing for? I’m having a hard time finding the prizepool


Keskispasss: hey everybody where is this game happening? online ?

daleboone55: confused i thought the GPL was live with real players not online format

Augiand89: Where is the cube?

Sound issues overshadow the poker

Teracore: Wow sound is terrible

hardgrinder: yep audio is weird

EarlBurton: The sound quality is the first thing that needs fixing. With this much prep time, it shouldn’t sound like you’re in a shower doing the broadcast. It should sound like you are in a professional studio.

jamanation: Audio is horrible, Sam sounds like he’s in the bathroom. GPL?


Commentators are the talk of the chat

taximan22: loving the banter between griff and sammy

nottoc1000: why do the 2 goofballs commentating think they need to try and be funny?

ariyu1: Omg. Just been watching for 5min. The American commentator is wayyyyy trying to hard. Annoying

ChivasUSA_10: i dont think these commentators are taking this seriously

jeffplatt: commentators are doing fine, has to be hard to call such fast action

Skrooloose100: commentators are like lil kids talking over each other

writerjennifer: I love these commentators! They’re funny and rolling well with the punches on the first day.

Overall mixed reviews

NorthernDanTheMan: they are trying to appeal to an audience of all ability and knowledge , its nice:)

mdjmpoker: its so cool that we can actually watch online poker with full hole card information, incredible

ChivasUSA_10: this sure has potential, but honestly some people have to realize this needs a lot of work and has to be ammended

aseefo: lols all the money they spent on this and the stream is shittee

And finally…

leoagosto82: WHAT IS GPL?


Note: All comments have been directly quoted from the Twitch chat of the first Eurasia 6-Max GPL Match on the 5th April 2016